The following tips are offered to help a Delmod sponsor accomplish a successful game. Remember, this game is about the discussion, anything else is just a by-product.
1) If you have questions or feedback, contact as I am eager for your feedback or to help you successfully host a game.
2) I recommend a game to be any 5 of the issues provided. You can mix and match, or select any number you wish, but you may find more than 5 to be very aggressive if properly discussed. Issues are found in the "Benchmarks” link above to the right. You can always play the game again with different issues or different mix of players!
3) You can have a team of any size, you determine how to run your discussion.
- The game does not consider extreme right, extreme left or moderate positions superior or inferior to others.
- So - consider how to keep judgements out of the game, which should eliminate most friction.
- Consider time limits on individual discussion to keep few from dominating.
- Consider methods to get input from all, even if they only have questions.
- IT IS ABOUT THE DISCUSSION - help tone down passions.
- Diversity is good and welcome, leverage it.
- Recognize the variation between the extremes, challenge to be real extremes.
- Consider aspects of the compromises from each extreme to get to moderate.
- If moderate is close to an extreme, you probably still have work to do.
4) You may elect to try the following exercise if your players are thoughtful, not just arguing about the benchmarks
- Apply your answers to the following scale (example can be found in "Issue Spectrum" link above to the right.):
- L3 = your extreme left answer
- L2 = blank for now, but slightly right of left extreme
- L1 = blank for now, but slightly left of DelMod
- R1 = blank for now, but slightly right of Delmod
- R2 = blank for now, but slightly left of right extreme
- R3 = your extreme right answer
- Use this scale in the following discussion, but mindful of defensiveness/passions. Remind players during the game, positions are not right or wrong, good or bad. The intention is to discuss and uncover new insights - not arguments.
- ■ Where might various politicians be per issue on your scale? Why?
- ■ Where do the players find themselves per issue on your scale? Why?
- ■ Would either of the major parties be closer to extremes? Always?
- ■ Would either of the parties closer to moderate? Always?
- ■ Are both parties always the same distance apart on all issues?
- ■ These insights do not score points, but make interesting discussion.
- ■ Eventually I hope to provide a means of automating and capturing these insights to share for contrast.
5) Ask players to review anything learned after a game, reflection.
6) Be sure to send me your feedback or suggestions as I continue to develop and improve this game. It is my hope over time to automate this and find ways to share experience of previous teams that have played this game. Stay tuned - and thank you for your help. I sincerely hope this contributed somehow to an interesting and hopefully informative political discussion (for a change...?)
Send your questions or feedback to ------>
, anything else is just a by-product.
● If you have questions or feedback, contact as I am eager for your feedback or to help you successfully host a game. ● I recommend a game to be any 5 of the issues provided. You can mix and match, or select any number you wish, but you may find more than 5 to be very aggressive if properly discussed. Issues are found in the “Delmod Benchmarks” document. ● You can have a team of any size, you determine how to run your discussion. ○ The game does not consider right, left or moderate answers more or less correct. ○ So - consider how to keep judgements out of the game. ○ Consider time limits on individual discussion to keep few from dominating. ○ Consider methods to get input from all, even if they only have questions. ○ IT IS ABOUT THE DISCUSSION - help tone down passions. ○ Diversity is good and welcome, leverage it. ○ Recognize the variation between the extremes, challenge to be real extremes. ○ Consider aspects of the compromises from each extreme to get to moderate. ○ If moderate is close to an extreme, you probably still have work to do. ● You may elect to try the following exercise if your players are thoughtful, not just arguing about the benchmarks ○ Apply your answers to the following scale: ■ L3 = your extreme left answer ■ L2 = blank for now, but slightly right of left extreme ■ L1 = blank for now, but slightly left of DelMod ■ M0 = your Delmod answer ■ R1 = blank for now, but slightly right of Delmod ■ R2 = blank for now, but slightly left of right extreme ■ R3 = your extreme right answer ○ Use this scale in the following discussion, but mindful of defensiveness/passions. Remind players during the game, positions are not right or wrong, good or bad. The intention is to discuss and uncover new insights - not arguments. ■ Where might various politicians be per issue on your scale? Why? ■ Where do the players find themselves per issue on your scale? Why? ■ Would either of the major parties be closer to extremes? Always? ■ Would either of the parties closer to moderate? Always? ■ Are both parties always the same distance apart on all issues? ■ These insights do not score points, but make interesting discussion. ○ Ask players to review anything learned after a game, reflection. ● Be careful about too many games in a short time, may not have same energy. ● Even if you sponsor games, play sometime with a different sponsor (share experience).